1、论周边安全形势对我国边防工作的影响及对策On the influence on Chinese border work and Countermeasures of the surrounding security situation 摘 要古往今来,边境地区作为主权国家保障国家安全的重要屏障的同时,亦是一个国家“走出去”“引进来”、实现对外开放的重要门户,所以,周边地区的安全形势对我国的国家安全有着非同一般的影响。众所周知,我国位于亚欧大陆的东部,太平洋西岸。陆地边界线总长。2.2万余公里,海岸线总长1.8万公里。疆域范围南北长约5500公里,东西宽约5200公里。我国陆海周边国家,与世界各
4、防工作人员工作素质。 关键词:周边安全;形势;边防工作;影响;对策; Abstract From ancient to modern times, the border area as an important barrier to sovereignty of national security at the same time, it is also a country of going out and bringing in, opening up the important gateway, therefore, have extraordinary influence on the
5、security situation in the surrounding areas on the national security of china. As we all know, China is located in the eastern part of the Eurasian continent. Land boundary line length of 2.2 km, a total length of 18 thousand km coastline. The territory is about 5500 kilometers north and south, east
6、-west width of about 5200 km. Chinas land and sea surrounding countries, compared with other countries in the world, should be the first, a total of 21. But at the same time, there are many problems left over by history and problems in the surrounding countries and regions of our country, and there
7、are many problems such as demarcation of territory and territorial sea, national religion, domestic war and so on. This also puts forward higher requirements for Chinas border defense work, how to improve the quality of work, improve the efficiency of border police, strengthen border service has bec
8、ome the main aspects we should strengthen.China has disputes with neighboring countries on the maritime rights and interests of the more prominent issues facing more and more difficult, in addition to Bohai for domestic and overseas, in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea in China are
9、 faced with a large number of neighbors and division of maritime disputes, involving a total of about about 1200000 square kilometers. The island was invaded, the sea was split, the fact that the resources were looted remains in front of us. Asia Pacific countries and regions in recent years in the
10、development of economy at the same time, the defense appropriations have increased significantly, to develop new strategies for the development of national defense and the armed forces have been quietly rising, to the world military power, which is bound to have a significant impact on Chinas securi
11、ty. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part mainly expounds the safety situation of Chinas neighboring countries and regions, including the general situation and characteristics of the neighboring countries, the security environment surrounding the enemy awareness, through understandin
12、g and research in-depth to find countermeasures favorable border work. The second part is the status of border management, elaborates the existing border management of current problems and shortcomings, such as a working relationship is not smooth, promote the work difficulty; two is the regulation
13、construction, duty is difficult; three is the coordination mechanism is not smooth, difficult to form a joint force; four is the information infrastructure is weak, difficult to control the border. So, according to the security situation around our country and the specific circumstances of the immig
14、ration work, the fourth part puts forward the countermeasures. Deepen the border control mechanism, strengthen the line patrol control; organize and carry out combat exercises, improve the border at the sudden emergency response capacity; strengthen border Forces Combat and combat ability; improve t
15、he quality of the frontier troops mass work; frontier cadres must work mode of innovation; strengthen team construction, enhance the work quality of border staff.Key words: The surrounding border work; Safety;Influence; Countermeasures目录引 言1一、 当前中国周边安全形势1(一)我国周边安全环境概况:11.我国地理环境现状简介12.周边安全环境的历史演变1(二)
16、我国周边安全环境现状21.总体相对稳定 合作是主流22.相对稳定的安全环境中存在着不安全因素3二、我国边海防管理体制的问题3(一)法律法规建设落后 履职尽责难度巨大4(二)部门协调机制不畅 合作关系难形成4(三)信息配套设施缺乏 边境管控难度大4(四)部分边防工作者对基层工作不够重视4三、 周边安全形势对我国边防工作的影响4(一)经济方面5(二)政治方面5(三)社会方面5四、认清安全形势 强化边防工作6(一)深化边境管控机制 加强一线巡控6(二)搞好备勤 提高处置应急能力 牢牢掌握边防工作的主动权7(三)加强与周边国家执法合作 维护边防安全环境稳定7(四)正确把握国家海防 维护周边安全稳定7(五)加强边防法制建设 提高边防队伍执法水平8结 语9主要参考文献10引 言 进入21世纪以